Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Zeusie is doing well and has had no issues at all. He was diagnosed with his bone cancer on September 15th and so far he is trucking along.

My leggie. Well I had one day where I took all bandages off and it was like I had been freed from a terrible prison that I had been in for 10 was too soon I think to celebrate. I took a shower and water got underneath the thin layer of skin, and it got kind of bubbly and weird looking and I had pain in it for the first time in a long while. Now don't panic, it is teeny tiny still but it is still an open wound. Not quite ready to go Commando in that area, just yet anyway...

I have been a little slow at work but things are fixing to pick up for the always does. We are doing some renovations at the salon, well in fact everything is going to be new. Right now we are painting the salon a beautiful camel color and adding accents like black and leopard. We are all so excited. I will take some pictures so you can see it as we go fun. L!


Andrea "The H family" said...

oh no honey...keep that bandage on!! Gotta keep you healthy! Give my doody a slap on the back from Aunt Aner; Love you---

EO said...

Oh I so hoped that thing was completely healed, but better be safe and just keep it covered. SO glad Zeusie is doing well!

Definitely take pics of the salon, that sounds so fun!

Noings... that is the word I have to type below. Sometimes they make me laugh.

The Waters Family said...

Glad to hear the updates of Zeus and your almost completely healed leg!

Can't wait to see fun pics of your 'new' surroundings at the salon! I love camel color!

my word to type is...diceel lol