Sunday, July 20, 2008

An amazing Sunday...

Today was an awesome day...I was given the opportunity in Discovery to reconnect myself to ME. To really envision my future, the way I want it to be. I was even given the tools to take the steps to make that happen.

I am going to post some of my goals and the steps I am going to take to achieve these goals, in efforts to gain some more accountability...
Goal #1 a personal goal... To live a healthier lifestyle...
step #1..I am going start back on the Weight Watcher Core Plan...I loved that plan and it works, I just got side tracked. So I am going to get back on it!
step #2.. I am going to walk 30 minutes a day, in the morning.
step more excuses!
My next goal is a spiritual goal...
Goal to grow in my walk with Christ .....
step to look into small group leadership at my church.
step to look into bible studies (Alpha)
step #3..have more quiet still and listen.

Thats all for now, it has been a long weekend and I am exausted!! If you see me, sweetly, ask me how I am doing on my goals, please. I really want this. When I was asked to draw a mental picture of my ideal self. The first image that comes to my mind... looks nothing like me. Well, to be honest, as I am now, it looks like I ate that person. It is obvious that it weighs on my mind and keeps me from being truly happy. I want and deserve to be truly happy..and now I am embarking on a road to a healthier lifestyle...I know, many of you will she goes again, lets see how long this will last...You know what, how many times have you failed at something??If never, then praise God, cause you are perfect!!If not then please, just extend Grace, and support me in this, one more time, if you love me...if not..first of all, quit reading my blog and secondly, you can just sit on the sidelines and mock me if you want. I am loved and worthy and soon to be much much smaller so... nanner nanner!!...Love yall Lisa


The Nicholsons said...

You go girl! I'm believing and praying for you! Do the same for me...I'm starting again too! Love you!

The Waters Family said...

My mascara is burning my eyes now! Love that song-- and the last words- You can do anything if you only put your mind to it! So glad you are starting back- let's all do it together! It's been heavy on my mind to make personal changes.

The Nadwodnys said...

Girl, I went to the Dr. for my yearly after I turned 40 and she said this was the heaviest I've ever been. If I can start jogging (with lots of fast walking mixed in) at 40 you can do anything you put your mind to!!! My goal was to lose 25 and I'm 9 pounds away. I'll be praying for you! For strong and steady weight loss and strong and steady spiritual growth! You are amazing!

Jenna said...

Lisa, it takes COURAGE and FAITH to fail and try again. Good for you. Those who may mock are faithless cowards. I'm cheering you on. Your goals are commendable, and you DO deserve to be the vision you see of yourself.

Andrea "The H family" said...

ok, that video speaks so loud to me I can't even focus. I'm crying.
I cry everytime I see this dad and son. May the Lord shine down on this man for treating God's gift so kindly and humbly. May me and Jonathan do the same.
I'm still crying and I'm at work.
I'm proud of you. Brush that bootie off and get back up girl.
"Wipe the dust of your shoes".
Your amazing.
Love you. I would have my pinky toenail cut off for you. I so would.

EO said...

Get back out there girl, so proud of you. I don't think that people think all those things you said. We love you and support you 100%, even if you have to come back and start over 10 more times!

Lisa Allen said...

Really would sacrifice your pinky toenail...sniff sniff...for me?? Well I would give you my appendix, if God forbid you ever needed it. It is yours!!Thats right...I love you that much. L.

EO said...

Lisa I'd give you my SPLEEN! It's totally yours if you need it! (better than some dumb toenail)

Lisa Allen said...

Dude...a spleen!! That is serious! Andrea needs to step it up. At least that would involve some surgery...thanksdutqr E.