Monday, October 20, 2008

Great weekend...

It was a Discovery weekend and it was great!! So many changes in so few days!! It always blows my mind. I have been so busy doing so many things, I really needed to take this time to pour into others. I am glad I have the opportunity to do that. owie is doing fine Charlie, it hasn't really changed much it is as big as your pinky fingernail, so it is little bitty. I will post a picture as soon as it closes up the whole way ok?? We will also have a big "closure" party!!

Zeus is doing fabulous, he has no sign that he is sick at all. He is still on his medicine and after this batch is done I will have to take him back to the Angel Vet for his bone scan or xray to see where we are at with progression or digression. I of course am praying for the latter.

I will try to update a little more often now that things have slowed down a little bit. I am glad that the state fair is finally over that means business will pick up for the holidays, I love my job but sometimes the unpredictability is so predictable...l.

1 comment:

EO said...

Great update Lisa, so glad Discovery went well, and your owie, and Zeusers :) Glad you are back, things are just more boring when you are out of town?? Life just seems a little blue??

Ok maybe that's a personal problem.
