Saturday, October 25, 2008

Yucky update..

Ok so I have sick all freaking week. I am still sick but getting better. I won't be going to church tonight though, too sick and too many peeps. I am now on antibiotics and various other meds, just to cope. I had to work all week and I was sooo careful not to hug or get too close to my clients. If I sneezed I washed my hands. If I had to blow my nose, I washed my hands and use a germicidal wipe. Ughh, I am so over this thing. So prepare yourself leg is soooo close to being healed...Get ready to Parrrr tay! Oh yeah I can't wait for this to be over with. Just wanted to update you...sneeze hack...ughhh.


EO said...

Ugh Lisa, so sorry you are sick! That is awful, I hope your meds help you feel better soon. Hope to see you on Halloween at Andrea's. I might wipe hand sanitizer all over you, but I'll be subtle. You won't know i'm there.

The Waters Family said...

Hope you are feeling better by now-