Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Dum dum duuuummmm....

Well today is weigh-in day. I am as anxious as I always am on these days. Even though I watched what I ate and even tracked it, for the most part, I still feel like "will what I have done be enough to see a difference"?

Good or bad I will post it. This is my accountability. I am just nervous. I had Discovery! this past weekend and even though I had sensible salads, chicken breast and veggies for dinner, I still had the little brownie for dessert. It is not much but it might be enough to keep me from losing weight...grrr.

I think that sugar and white flour are my addictive foods. I am trying to eliminate those completely. Each day, scratch that, each meal is a new challenge for me to dodge that stuff. I am doing better and that is a huge step in the right direction. I can tell a difference in my thinking, now, if I can go beyond just thinking about it and impliment it...every time.

I will be back later with my results....L.

1 comment:

The Waters Family said...

just checking in to see the good news-but no news yet-- I'll be back later :)