Saturday, January 3, 2009

Road trip and new friends....

Alright Andrea I know that none of this is in line, but I couldn't figure all of that just either go into my control panel and fix it or well I will be there tomorrow...
These are some shots of Tisha, sweet friend in Brady Texas(I only had one of her husband and it was not in focus so I didn't post it), also some shots of this amazing man his name is Jaime (a self-proclaimed "mountain man" who lives in Brady) Jaime had an great piece of property where he lives with his buddy and only companion Charlie the hound dog. Jaime and Charlie live inside this old cotton gin, it was amazing! I fell in love with everyone down there in Brady, even the old lady with the broken down van that needed a push in front of Sonic, (Andrea will probably post a video of that...grrr.) They were so sweet to us and Tisha even cooked a beautiful stew with cornbread muffins and brownies!! Thank you for extending such hospitality! A true gift from God.

The day was beautiful and so was our trip. On the way down to Brady, Andrea and I just laughed and had a great time I swear the time and miles just flew by.(Andrea is the best direction giver EVER!!) On the way home we listened to worship music and cried about how beautiful our King is and how His Grace has changed our lives.

I think we counted at least 100 dead deer on the side of the road, it was sad and frightening at the same time. ( I took no pictures of that, I thought that might be just a tweak over the top) lol.

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EO said...

Ohhh great pictures Lisa! That dog is AWESOME! So glad you guys had a good time, sniff, without me, sniff. You know the deer would have FREAKED me out and I would have been a horrible back seat driver. We talked about this. And I would not have let Andrea chew gum. LOL.

Lisa Allen said...

I kept seeing things that you would have wanted to shoot. I found myself wishing that you were there because Andrea really couldn't have cared less about most of it...There was just so much different stuff down there.

Anonymous said...

Ya'll can ALWAYS come back!! If you liked Brady, come and let me take you to Fredericksburg!!! We could get a bed and breakfast and you just wouldn't believe the old rock buildings and there is a wildseed farm. Oh, and I can't forget the multiple wineries we could tour and taste. I am dead serious. If ya'll will all come in the spring, I will pay for the b&b! That is a promise!

Lisa Allen said...

grrrr. my last 3 or 4 photos are not frustrating!