Thursday, January 15, 2009

Quick update...

Diet is going well with very little exception. Penny made me dinner tonight, she made sauteed cabbage and onions with glass noodles and salmon. It was really really good, it was only 11 points, and it was very filling. I gotta tell you it was so nice to have a good "diet friendly" meal at the end of a long hard day!!

This cold weather is not having a positive effect on my dog. Well, Zeus, my doggie with bone cancer, seems to be doing fine. My other doggie, Stetson, well he is having bad issues with his hips. It is pitiful, some days he can barely walk. He wobbles around and struggles to stay upright. It is so sad to see my baby like that. I try to keep him warm and comfortable as possible but I know it has to be painful.I am not sure of how much long I have with him...he is my sweet boy that I have had since he was born. He is 10 yrs old and very old for his size. He weighs around 190lbs. I love him so much and just want him to be alright. But I love him too much to watch him suffer. I may have to make that decision soon. Just pray for me in that area. That is it for now....L.


EO said...

Hey girl, I never got that text you promised! Sounds like you are doing great.

Poor Stetson... I hope the warmup this weekend helps him feel better.

Luv ya.


The Waters Family said...

Oh hon- Praying for you in this area!

Krista said...

Oh, Lisa. I know how hard that is. I had a little chihuahua for 13 years and she had arthritis really bad and towards the end it was so hard for her to get around. It just made me cry to watch her. God will provide. He will give you peace. He always does.