Thursday, December 27, 2007
Heres an update...get ready....
Ok so here goes...I just got home from a "meeting" date...His name was Wade, he is six foot one, baldish white dude, with one of those off color, dark around the outside edge, off center, wrong sized caps right in the front of his mouth and as if it couldn't get worse...he had buck teeth so you can't help but stare right at his K-mart special cosmetic ( if you could call it that) dentistry work.He was wearing some kind of tennis shoes that I have never heard of...not clean either...a members only jacket, gray in color. One ring on his pinky finger, and a shiny no-name watch. He came into Starbucks and acted like he had never been in one. He walked up and shook my hand...smiled...and it was over. I heard nothing else this man had to say. Well, lets put it like this, I heard enough to know this dude was a slacker. I am completely superficial I KNOW!!! But dang dude??? Come on!! People, seriously teeth are huge for me. So maybe I was trying to look a little deeper so I let this torture go on for about 30 minutes, knowing full well that this is a guy I would not have even danced with at Red River. In this 30 minutes of hell on earth, I learned that Wade is currently unemployed and is filling out applications at Home Depot, Linens and Things, and Academy Sports and Outdoors...his hopes are really set on Academy because he loves sports!!! Well,I hope he gets his dream job. Also in the first 30 minutes I heard 3 cuss words, little ones but still. I gave him a little hug and I was on my way, smelling like his cheap cologne... so gross... I was just like dude why are you even dating? What do people think they have to offer? Are they delusional? Am I? I think I bring alot to the table...I can cook, I have a career that I have been working at for 14 years, stable, no kids, nice teeth. I don't know, I am just thinking out loud here...I think I will remove my profile for a while. Just not even interested at this point. Also since I have updated last lets see... my friend Hwa got married, it was very sweet. We had a good Christmas at Andreas moms was amazing. My diet is completely off until the first of the year..we are doing this thing where everyone who wants to can put in 100.00 in the pot and whoever loses the most wieght but June 2nd gets the pot. So far we have about 7 or 8 people involved.I will still be doing Weight Watchers Core program.. This is going to be great!! Anyway I will try to update more often. Love yall. Lisa
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Adventures in Dating
So, with the dating pool at my church completely dried out and beginning to crack, I have resorted to the Internet dating OCEAN. I signed up for a couple of different websites and on each profile I explicitly asked to only be contacted by Christian men. Well, apparently that is like a beacon for anyone other than a Christian...but all say they are or at least believe in God..right. So I made up my mind that I would just go out with these other guys anyway and "practice dating" with them, against Andreas off I go. Date #1 East Indian man who "claimed" to be 38 but when he read his menu he pulled out the bifocals, he also "claimed" on his profile to be 5'10" tall, I am 5'10" and he barely came up to my chin and I was in flats... uh I think not! The date went fine but I knew right away I was not interested so lets eat right? When dinner was over the man turned into an octopus and tried to stick his tongue down my throat...I pushed him away and said he was GROSS, I am pretty sure he understood because he ran away with a hurt look on his face. I DON'T CARE..He was nasty. EWWW. So on to date #2 Jewboy...He said he was a Messianic Jew...uh I think not...Just plain ol' JEW. No Jesus just Jew. Already looking at him sideways, I was on the lookout for other lies...we go to Rainforrest cafe' and folks we have a talker!! He talked and talked for what seemed like forever about NOTHING..well I shouldn't say nothing I am sure that some women would be very impressed with his winning first place in the 06' bellyflop contest in Ennis Texas. But not I. Blah blah blah. He then said "I got tickets to the Stars game for Friday and it will be late when the game is you think I could SLEEP ON YOUR COUCH so I wouldn't have to drive home". I said "HEll NO"...As if that wasn't bad enough the bill comes and I said thank you for dinner, I offered to get the tip,I don't know what he heard because he closed the little black bill cover thingy and as he slid it across the table in my direction he said "I will let you look at it and let you be the judge of what you want to contribute". I looked at the unopened little black bill cover thingy for a second and with my index finger I pushed it back across the table, raised my eyebrows and said "I will get the tip". I was thinking don't make me act a fool up in here. He dropped it. And I thought he IS Jewish. I know it is a stereotype, but it is for a REASON!! After dinner we walked around the mall and I had my purse on one arm and I tried to keep it on the same side as he was at all times. Because he kept trying to hold my hand..I was like " I just met you dude, seriously?" He kept on getting grabby with the hand. So I bought something. AH HA. Now I had a purse in one hand and a bag in the other. No hand holding now. I know this next part is going to sound really bad, but hey, I never claimed to be I wanted to find out how cheap this guy really I go to Neimans to try on some shoes..yep Prada,Fendi,Gucci,Monolos, as shallow as it is I love labels...I was trying to see how much of an issue he would have with the cost of these shoes...needless to say it was a big problem.He wanted to go to PAYLESS SHOESOURCE... Elcheapo..for sure. After another comment on my anatomy and countless other inappropriate incidents, I was ready to go. I left him with a hug and he said " handles" mmmm, campbells soup...gross huh? I waited till he called me later that evening and I told him EVERYTHING he did wrong and that it was OVA. I have been on more "normal" dates, but I hope you have enjoyed these... I will keep you posted on some of the best ones. Love you long time....Lisa
Monday, December 10, 2007
Trying to blog more
I am trying to blog more people..really I is just that I am not sure if things are realy "blog worthy" bear with me as I sort that out. Here are some things hat have been going on...I have been dating..just dating, don't get too excited. No one I would even consider "blog worthy". I have been like uber busy at the salon...Praise God! This is always our busy season. I have been helping my friend that couldn't pee. Diet is getting back on track finally. I am going to WW this week to exactly how much damage I have done to myself. Yipee. Anyway that is about it. I like the mundane. Really I do. I love yall. ...Lisa
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
an adendum to Frustrated singleness
Ok..Church pool?...I am at the wrong church for dating pool for me there, either way too young or way too old...I have heard of great singles departments that are full of singles my age at other churches in the area..sounds great right? It would be but I am not willing to leave my church...I feel blessed to be under Matts teaching and I am just not willing to leave, especially for that reason... I am not sure if I am more frustrated by the lack of intelligence that seems to be out there or by the fact that I am apparently way too smart. Don't roll your eyes just yet, I am really really smart and alot of times that is a hinderance. Especially in dating... I am not talking about spelling or mathematical genius here but I am talking just about being on the ball, a decent conversationalist, seeing the depth of person pretty quickly, picking up on the little things. I want someone who can hang with me. It is so hard to find because usually those guys are in a different "class" and pretty much out of my league. I am just speaking the facts here! I am deeply deeply frustrated. I see really stupid HAPPY people all the time. They are everywhere. " Ignorance is bliss" or is it??? Would I rather look at someone blindly and accept them for what they "appear" to be and be happy or look at someone with skepticism and dig for what they are not saying and search for the depth or lack of and continue to be disappointed when I don't find what I am looking for, and feeling even more frustrated because I wasted my time trying to find something that was just not there to begin with. I don't know. Anyway...that is where I am right now. So I keep praying for my hearts desire but did God create anyone who fits that bill?? I mean realistically...maybe not. I am not sure where I stand on I keep praying for what may or may not be realistic, maybe I am the stupid one??? We will see. L.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Frustrated singleness
Ok, So I spent all of last night breaking up with a man I never met. He seemed so perfect on the internet that I gave him my number and he blew my phone up. Meaning, he called way too much, overused the word beautiful and gorgeous, texted exactly 27 times in one night and needless to say it's over before it got started.
I'm frustrated.
Where is my dating pool? Where are the men that I can date? for me? I want someone that is semi intelligent, a man that loves Jesus, have their tattoos spelled correctly, eyes and teeth straight, no baby momma drama, no fixer uppers, no people with 65K worth of credit card debt...basically, I'm not asking for something that is unrealistic but holy crap!?!
Give me something to choose from? or please direct me to the nearest dating pool for me. Please? Lord, help?!!
I'm frustrated.
Where is my dating pool? Where are the men that I can date? for me? I want someone that is semi intelligent, a man that loves Jesus, have their tattoos spelled correctly, eyes and teeth straight, no baby momma drama, no fixer uppers, no people with 65K worth of credit card debt...basically, I'm not asking for something that is unrealistic but holy crap!?!
Give me something to choose from? or please direct me to the nearest dating pool for me. Please? Lord, help?!!
Monday, November 19, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I am BACK!!!
Hey everyone I am back and I cannot wait to share with you about my trip, alot of what I want to share will have to be in person, due to its sensitive nature...I will be posting pics but they will have to wait a few days as they are being put on a cd. I can tell you it was AMAZING...God is moving and shaking in that place. I was able to be a part of something that will last for eternity. I am so humbled and thankful for what He has shown me through this journey. I will write more in depth later, just know that your prayers were felt, needed and much appreciated!!I love you all and I am glad to be home. I am going to take a nap. Jetlag...uuughh.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
I am leaving...on a jet plane...I will be back in a few weeks....please if you think of it, please say a prayer for us. Saftey, health, unitiy...ect. I thank you in advance. I can't wait to come back and upload my photos for you all to see. "Lookout Asia here comes typhoon Lisa." (a quote from Hwa). Who by the way is blogging now check out my friends list...check out his CRAZY proposal story. He is amazing, I love that guy. This will be the last post for a while but don't let that stop you from checking back from time to time and leaving me a message or two, that will be nice to come home to. It will just show that you really care and in some cases, love me (to those where the latter applies, no guilt here, I will just be able to ascern( is that a word?) the depth of that "love" by how many messages I recieve while I am gone, once again NO GUILT HERE). I will be back in a few weeks, Love...Lisa
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I am crazy busy at the salon right now, which is really good, it keeps me grounded. I am so excited about this trip, that I just lie in bed at night with wide-eyed expectation, unable to sleep. I think I am so filled with anticipation because I KNOW that I that GOD wants me there. He has shown me this over and over. I keep praying for "my appointments",for my revealations, what He wants to teach me about myself. I have no idea. This is my first trip to lead out so I am sure that I will be learning something about myself in that area. I am super stoked about my team...I can hear the excitement in their voices.So nice. I still have so much to do to get ready. I have very little time left...wooo hooo. I am so ready to blow this taco stand...wouldn't you be if you knew The Lord had cleared the way to get you there??
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Alright, I get it!
Holy Toledo, I had the most amazing day....I will give you some background info first...A few weeks ago someone came into the shop( I won't give their name because I didn't ask permission to use it)and through conversation this person found out I was going back to Asia...someone else asked about funding for the trip and I began to explain how I have to raise the money to go...this person said "Well, send me a letter" I said "great I will" and I got this persons address, quickly went home and mailed one the next day. I see this person again yesterday and just softly asked them if they got my letter, such an awkward situation...really uncomfortable...they said "yes, did I not already send that in? I thought I did". More awkward I said with my shoulders and my voice as high as they could go... " Well it hasn't posted yet, I really just wanted to kind of remind people in case they forgot?" At the same time I handed them another letter out of my drawer...they looked at it and couldn't remember if they had seen my letter...and then they asked "how much do you still need"...with a face that would impress any professional poker player I said "oh about $1000.00", knowing full well I needed $1500.00. I know I know I know!! Why???!!! Well, this person then said "great I will write a check for $1000.00 and take it by the church office right now." First of all, I was shocked that anybody has that kind of dough. I thought dude I am totally up for adoption!! Seriously, I was just like "WOW...uh..ok?? Thank you sooo much." Later as I was telling my friend what had happened, he was like "that is awesome and all but why didn't you tell them what you REALLY need?" I was like I don't comes the Jesus beatdown...he said "I know why...It was your let that get in the way of what God wanted to do for you." I thought about it and he was right, as usual...I didn't want to admit that I have not had the support I have had in the past. I thought about it some more and God also revealed my "unbelief", I didn't really believe that He would provide like that...that would just be crazy talk!! I now understand how the apostles had so much unbelief even though they saw all these miracles and healings and amazing things...I have been healed and seen miracles in my own life..I have seen His amazing handy work and yet when it came down to it...I did NOT have faith. I was pretty bummed about that realization for a while. Ok... I have pride issues and I don't trust Him...great, send me to Asia! I was feeling VERY unworthy. Then this amazing thing happened...God gave me another opportunity to fess Him, and totally knock my socks off. So this same person just pops by the salon and just asks again "How much do you need?" I said " you know, when you asked that yesterday, I let my pride get in the way...the truth is I need $1500.00 but whatever you can do is fine with me I appreciate any amount." I was trying to soften the blow. This person said "that is fine we will get you there." I just didn't know what to say...In my head I was like "thank you Jesus!!" I saw this person at church and they gave me a hug and a smile and just kind of held this check up with a read $1500.00...I said "I don't know what to say except THANK YOU SO MUCH"...They said "Thank God"...I did, I was...Oh He wasn't done I go to Chilis to have dinner with my friend and her two boys and I was still like floored with what God had done, and I saw this couple who also go to the church and who were my biggest supporters in trips past...I mean, so much that I didn't send them a support letter this time. I know I know I know!! I just kind of wanted to say hi but I began telling them about what the Lord had taught me and how He was so amazing to give me a second chance to trust Him...and they were so happy for me. Then they asked if I needed anything else...I said "NNNNOOOO, I think I am good to go." They apparently sensed some hesitation and nudged me again..."are you sure?" I spoke up and said "all I am worried about is making enough money to pay my dog sitter while I am gone"...With no hesitation and at the same time they said "send us the bill." I was like "what? seriously?Thank you thank you" I am completely freaking out at this point. I was like Alright God I get it!!!" This whole time He was like "Look what I can do if you just get out of My way, I not only covered this trip but your other worries as well, how do you like them apples?"...I was feeling very unworthy and unsure before but I am now 100% possitive that The Lord has a work for me in Asia. So I leave on the 29th of October, trusting in Him. FULLY.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I told you

I told you that it wouldn't be a long "fall color" season for my blog..... I like the new ones alot, but alas, I apparently get bored very quickly, so we will see how long this lasts...We (Andrea and I) went to see Wanda today after her double is a real eye opener to see how this disease ravages a don't get me wrong she looked pretty good for someone who just endured something that traumatic, but I just can't help but think of all she has to endure to come. I know she is strong and all that but it just makes you think. Chemo and radiation will and has brought many a strong person to their knees. I will of course be praying for her swift and complete recovery, will you? You can meet Wanda at and get updates on a regular basis. Remember...prayers are for an eternity. I couldn't help but wonder how many women were in that hospital going through the same thing at the same time. This is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so please tonight, take the time to do a self-breast is quick and painless, schedule a check-up if you find something, Don't think it will go away if you ignore it. If you don't find something thank God for your health, and get a check-up at your yearly proactive in your healthcare, no one else is going to do it for you. It might just save your life!!! Love Lisa
Friday, October 12, 2007
I tried ...
I tried to add a pic of some pretty fall leaves it never would do right so I give up...I was trying to make it pretty for fall, but whatever. I am frustrated right now...why won't this upload correctly??AAARRGGGGHH. So I just changed the color of my page...poo. I hate fall colors anyway. poo
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I had a Wormy Trojan Virus
I had a nasty computer was a bad deal, it wiped out all my pictures and my itunes and all my favorites. And no I did not back anything up...and yes I am bummed about it. Bear with me as I try to reload everything on my computer. I basically have to start everything over. Heres the great thing...I have this friend who is like the most amazing computer tech guy ever!!! Oh yeah, he fixed me right up. He is so freaking smart it is kinda scary. Thanks Jonathan!! You rock.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
First shots with my new camera!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Sunrise over the Village

This morning was a great one, I woke up at 5:30, took the bandages off my new tattoos, showered and got ready for work...nothing really any different from any other day except it was still dark outside. I decided to head into The Bucks, and get my sugar-free, fat-free ,cinnimon dolce latte, no whip, with foam, one Splenda, please. I ordered it hot today because it was early and still cool outside. I got to work and did all of the"first in the shop" routine, you know,the usual... lights, irons, action!!! I had a busy day planned starting with a beautiful girl coming in to let me play with her hair for her bridal portraits, so I was really excited...but I like to get everywhere early so I had about 30 minutes to just relax and sip my wonderful cup of sweet encouragent, my liquid energy, mmm... I took a glance toward the door and I saw the most amazing morning sky...pinks and purples and blues...if you saw it, you know what I am talking about. I went outside for a better view, I couldn't look at that sky and not think of God. I looked at it and had several thoughts, first I thought, "I wish that gas station wasn't in the way"...then I thought " I bet if I got higher up than the gas station that would be an amazing view" so I went up to the second level of the complex where my salon is, it is kind of like a in hand...and I just stood awe of Him and His amazing handy work. I sipped that marvelous cup of coffee, looked at the art that He painted for His glory and my viewing pleasure, and for the first time in a while, I prayed to Him outloud, for more than 30 seconds over dinner. Just Him and I. I thanked Him for the coolness of the morning and for His display and for keeping the earth just far enough away from the sun as to not to kill us, but close enough to warm us, I thanked Him for my coffee and the person who got up early to make it, I prayed about many things and I prayed for healing for Wanda... and it was during that prayer, I was filled with this overwhelming sense of Love. It was at the exact same time as the sun was just breaking the beautiful as that was, I knew that it was NOTHING compared to His love for us, for Wanda... I knew at that moment He is going to take care of her. I felt peace. I kept thinking of how great it will be when we are in the presence of Something so beautiful, that this surise will look like a childs drawing in comparison.... It really was a beautiful way to start my day. I will be getting up early more often just to have that intimate time with my Father. I may take a chair with me next time to watch the sunrise over the Village.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Update boys and girls
I went to WW...and I was so excited at the weigh in today...the lady just nodded her head and raised her eyebrows and said you did pretty good, so I thought well I lost a little then she showed me my card and I lost another 4.4 lbs. Yay, I have lost all together 17.4 lbs in 7 weeks... I am so jazzed I know I am going to make my goal of losing 25 before I go to Asia!!! Thanks for praying and I am keeping up the work. Love Ya L.
Friday, September 21, 2007
About 6 weeks to go
Alright, I only have about 6 weeks to go before I go to Asia...I have to still raise $2100.00 I need some help. I will be sending out more letters this week, if you would like to have one please leave me your address here as a comment. I also need prayer people who will commit to praying for me and my team during our 12 day journey. Please pray about this , I appreciate you and would love to help you become part of something that will last for eternity. If you can't be there in person, you can in prayer and spirit. Thanks yall. L.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
New blog page and pictures
I went to see Mr. Baby Luke and my BF Andrea. We went to weigh in together at Weight Watchers. Both of us lost! Check my ticker. Then, we went to the bookstore, Macy's, Starbucks, grocery store, Jason's Deli (not exactly in this order) and then came home and cooked a nutritious CORE WW meal. (white chicken chili + eggplant casserole)mm, GOOD!
Then, of course....we had an impromptu photo shoot (knowing Andrea-photography blog) on the front porch and as you can see the results are amazing. I had to tell Andrea these are some of the best pictures I've ever had. Let me know what you think. She said I will be the winner of the photography portrait contest. jk.
Friday, September 14, 2007
I have an update!!
I went to weigh in today. I think something is wrong with me. I was sitting outside waiting for them to open the doors IN ANTICIPATION!! That is crazy, but I knew I had done pretty well, so I was excited! The lady finally opened the door and I stepped on the scale, drum roll please...I lost 2.4 for a total of 12.6 in 5 weeks. Now it must be said that initially I was upset, that for all my sacrifice and good choice making I hadn't lost 35 lbs. I know that is unrealistic but I was feeling pretty good about it. The lady said "that is a healty weightloss".Yipee, What I wanted to hear was " Holy Crap how did you possibly loose that much in a week!" Anyway back to reality, I am proud of my little 2.4 this week. I have now lost more with this program than with any other, now I just have to incorporate some workout time into the regime. My pants are getting baggy, I hate that droopy booty I think I have actually lost more inches than weight I wish I done some measurments. I encourage people to do that if possible, to me that is just as rewarding to see those numbers drop. Love you all, please keep praying, I feel it, I need it.I appreciate it . L.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Sorry no update...yet
I was super busy at the salon today and not able to go to the meeting, I will be going to the 5:15pm weigh in tomorrow nite. I have plans tomorrow nite so I will update asap. I have been doing pretty good and the bad thing is that my pants are getting too is good thing I know, but...I like those pants. I am hoping to have a good loss this week as I only lost 2oz last week. I will continue to be really busy at the salon thru the end of the week, which is really great as things had been a little slow...I can't wait to update the ticker... good or bad tomorrow is the day...da da duhmmmm.
Monday, September 10, 2007
The Sweet Mondane
Ahhh. I can't explain in words how good it feels to be free of conflict at the moment(thank you for praying). It is very nice to walk in the light at the end of tunnel, the same light that seemed non-existant 9 days ago, and 7 days ago, it was a tiny little speck so far away I wasn't sure it would ever get here. It did and it is glorious, God is good all the time. I am now in the process of getting everything ready for my Asia trip, the paper work is filled out and the tickets are bought, so exciting...speaking of Asia...Matt, the pastor of my church is over there now and he is not feeling well... well, actually it is a little more serious than that, he is pretty sick...please pray for him now, please pray for complete health for him and peace for his family, as they are here, waiting and praying. You can click on Them Chandlers on my friends list to get to their blog for an update. Thank you in advance...L.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Lesson learned
Today was another weigh-in day...well kind of, for the last two weeks I went to weigh in on Thursday but I am going to be busy on Thursday this week, so I decided to go in on Tuesday as they have a 9:30 meeting time. I won't do that again, I only lost 2 oz. I asked if that would make a difference the lady looked at me like a was mental and said " oh yes, but this is the one we have to put in the computer" ...blah blah long story short...I have learned my lesson, same weigh in day and time. Well at least it is still a loss, right?
Monday, September 3, 2007
My little ARMY
Today a couple of Gods little warriors came to my house to help me do battle. They came complete with buckets and scrubbers and a willingness to serve. As if they were commissioned for war they busted up in here to help me tackle this bloody I am not saying bloody like the English people say like BLOODY HELL, I am saying bloody as in actual blood. A fight had occured inside my home Saturday while I was working, apparently my neighbors pitbull broke thru his fence( we found the hole in the fence) and came into my house thru the doggie door and tried to take Stetsons(my bull mastiff) toy ( his baby). Well, he fought and lost not only his baby, but his ear as well, hence the bloody mess. I was completely overwhelmed with the just the thought of trying to clean this house.I didn't know where to start. There was blood (and lots of it) on every surface, in every room. I am not talking a few splatters here, it was literally wall to wall blood. It alone would be enough to overwhelm anybody...Add on top of that, lets just say, house cleaning is not a priority of mine at this time as I have no storage and I am housing a couple of dogs the size of BEARS. So, in walks my little army, with big smiles and scrubbers in hand. Not only cleaning up the blood but helping me de-clutter...scrubbing floors on their hands and knees, and washing walls and counters all with no judgement only understanding and love. How amazingly refreshing to have Gods warriors show up to love on you. I do have angels and they are beautiful, one of them is sweetly shy and she has the most gorgeous mane of fiery red hair and sweet brown eyes, the other one is equally as beautiful, she has long locks and the blueest eyes in Texas, and a smile like no other...Another angel was at her home taking care of a Baby angel so his mommy could come here today....these are the faces of Christ... I swear these people have wings tucked away somewhere. I also had countless people praying for me and also offering to come and clean..incredible is the love of Christ. I will sleep tonight in a clean blood-free home, knowing that I am loved by God and alot of His little warriors. I love you Andrea and Ericka and Penny, you amaze me, thank you for loving me. I was truly blessed by you today. L.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Remind me to NEVER blog about NOTHING
Seriously, NEVER blog about having a boring life because I would rather have that than the 9 kinds of hell I got going on right now...I am way too exausted to explain fully but I will give you the bullets...ok...I am running on 2 hrs sleep in three days, I am out way over $1000.00 that I did not have to spare , I have blood all over my house ( from my doggie), he now has half of an ear, I really dislike the pet emergency room. HIGHWAY ROBBERY!!! I had to buy another new A/C unit...I have a flooded living room, then to top it all off an ex-boyfriend pops up out of the blue-clear sky "to visit" (don't worry I ran him off)...this list just goes on and on...through all of this crap ...I PRAISE GOD!!! HE IS GOOD ALL THE TIME AND I WON'T BE BEAT DOWN BY ALL THE WORLDLY ISSUES...I PRAISE HIS NAME FOR HE IS HOLY, HIS GRACE IS MY PORTION TODAY AND EVERYDAY!!!!I WILL FOREVER BE FAITHFUL NO MATTER WHAT the enemy THROWS MY WAY...PRAISE JESUS PRAISE JESUS PRAISE JESUS......FOREVER! I Love yall please just say a protection prayer for me and my critters...we need them right about now...L.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Today was a weigh-in day
Well yall,I went this a.m. to the local Weight Watchers office and stepped on the scale....Drum roll please....I lost another 3.4 this week. That is a total of 10 lbs in 3 weeks, yay! I am still bored but I am making better choices most of the time, but here is the deal...sometimes I don't. That makes me wonder... how much fat and calories was I consuming before? I know it had to be alot just by the numbers...not so much as how much but what it was I was shoving down my gullet...Usually it was whatever I wanted with no reguard as to the fat or calorie content. I look at food a lot differently now, which is so weird being only three weeks into this deal. I really don't want it if it is loaded with fat or empty calories. Oh don't get me wrong, If I eyeball a piece of chocolate cake long enough, I can still figure out a way to rationalize its way into my mouth. I wanted a piece of cake so badly today I thought I could knaw my way into the glass counter it was sitting in....but I want a loss at my next weigh-in more. I am in a competition with myself...I CAN do this, I WILL do this, I HAVE to do this, I have NO other options at this point. I want to shop wherever I want to. I want to tuck my shirts in. I want to wear a belt. I want to be able to cross my legs at the knees. I want to wear a bra with less that 85 hooks on the back. So basically like I have said in previous posts, I know exactly what I want. I just have to stay focused and get out there and get it...I am starting back at the gym this weekend..I really HATE this part...but I have to get in a little better shape for my trip to Asia. I love yall and please continue to pray, it is working...I will let you know how the gym thing is working out...pun intended. L.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I just thought I would blog about nothing, diet is still going good but I am getting bored with that...but I am still motivated, just bored. I have come to the realization that my life is incredibly boring...I mean a real snoozer. I work (highlight) and go home...every day is the just about the same. So I have no idea what possesed me to remotely think I would be a good blogger. I really have nothing going on and alot of it. I wish it would rain, that would make things a little more exciting...OMG I just realized something....holy crap...I found excitement in my FOOD and going out too eat!!!! I have got to find something new to do...maybe I will take up blogging.L.
Friday, August 24, 2007
New Ticker
Alright, I put a new ticker on my page. For some reason it doesn't say total lost but I think people can figure it out. I saw a video of myself last night ( thanks Andrea) and was re-motivated as well as disgusted and frustrated. I know what I want, now I just have to go and get it. L.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Weight Loss Update
I lost another 1.2 lbs this week to add to my 5.4lbs loss from last week, so my total is a loss of 6.6 lbs in two weeks...I have to admit this week was alot harder because I did not plan as well and I went out to eat a few times and didn't make the best to have a loss was really shocking. I am so thankful for you prayers and support,I couldn't do this without it!!L.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Busy week
I will have a new post next week. This week has been a very busy week, no time to blog...nothing exciting anyway. I forgot my friends birthday...still dieting the way the first three letters of dieting spells DIE, but I did save all my points for a great meal. It was worth it!!!I will be at Discovery this weekend. After that hopefully I will be free to blog..I weigh in on Tuesday and I will for sure post my progress( hopefully).If not I will let you know about that too. ILY L.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
First week update...
It is just my first week but when I stepped on the scale at the local ww meeting place, I held my breath...The lady behind the counter looked up at me and smiled and said 5.4! I was stunned at first, how could I have gained 5.4, then she said "thats great" so I assumed at that point I had actually lost 5.4lbs...woohoo.....That is pretty good. I am happy and still alive so I guess it is something I can stick to...thanks to all of you for praying for me and my is working, lets keep it going ok? L.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Powerful oh so powerful
Wanna see something powerful click on the link below in the last post and watch this video.!!
Fried Green Tomatoes....mmmmm
Alright, I admit that I may have some food issues. I LOVE food. I have a relationship with it. I even sometimes think about my next meal while I am eating one. When I found out that most people do not feel the same, I was shocked!! Some people have said they can't remember ever having a great meal...I mean they remember the experience but not the actual flavors and textures of or smells of the food. I remember a seafood salad I had on the boardwalk in Los Angeles and a grilled Mahi Mahi sandwich off the coast of Santa Montica so vividly that my mouth begins to water every time....oh, by the way, that was eight years ago. Thats right....issues. My issues go as far back as I can remember so getting help seems to be the solution. So yesterday, after "my last meal " that consisted of two pieces of fried fish, two hush puppies, garlic mashed potatoes, two flash fried biscuits and a full order of fried green tomatoes with a thousand island dipping sauce, almost sick and wreaking of fast food grease, I waddled my bloated, fat booty into a local Weight Watchers meeting and joined. As I wiped the crumbs from the front of my shirt, I picked the plan that doesn't count points but allows you to eat from a selected list of good foods, called The Core Plan, but heres the KEY, you can eat as much as it takes to feel satisfied...from this list. No counting, no starving!!! I think I can do that. I am ready to try. I will have accountability with the meetings and the fact that alot my friends are doing it too. I will have a ticker up soon to let you know how I am doing. I will be going to Asia in October and I would like to be 25lbs lighter. It will be a fight, but I am willing to tough it out. Nothing, and I mean nothing in my life has been as hard to deal with as my weight issues. Please pray for a strong will and motivation if you think of it, as I will need it on a daily basis. Food has always been my comfort and in some ways the love of my life. I need to put that focus back on God , where it belongs. I don't think I have ever admitted that till now. L.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Saturday, August 4, 2007
I have been tagged...Enjoy at my expense!!
I was tagged by my friend Ericka to give 8 random facts/habits about myself.The Rules:1. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts.2. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.3. People who are tagged need to write their own blog (about their eight things) and post these rules. (**if you’re a non-blogger, you can email them!)4. At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.5. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog. Unless everyone on your list has already been tagged, then you just feel very exposed as you reveal some of your innermost habits or random facts.....Enjoy. Random Fact #1.................. I am socially retarded....I am not good with meeting people for the first time or even worse in a large room with alot of people. I am o.k. with an introduction but I guess because I know that I am not going to remember them in 3 minutes, I flake out. I have been absolutely alone in a room literally filled with people, many, many times. If I am ever surrounded by people and I am the life of the party , it is all a tiring act that I have gotten really good at. It is incredibly frustrating. Random Fact #2 ........... In the fall, right before the first cold front comes in, I, as if possessed by the spirit of a hibernating bear, begin putting plastic and duct tape around all windows inside my house. I fill all gaps with expanding foam. I clean and dust off all heaters in preparation for the big chill. I go to the store and buy extra blankets and lots of meat to fill the freezer. I am not sure why I buy the meat. I just threw away bags and bags of meat some with a sell by date of 2oo1.... I kind of quietly freak out about the weather in the winter. I actually still have a window duct taped and plastisized, just too lazy to take it down for summer. Random Fact #3...........I have a rational fear of becoming hairy and moley. My grandmother was a moley woman and my Dermatologist said it was possible because of genetics, already very hairy, I just fear the day when I can't wax, shave or tweeze.... Random Fact # 4........... I often question my sanity...They say it is the artist in me...I don't know, I just question....Random Fact #5............. I would put a few habits on here but I have recently come to the realization that I don't really have any habits. I used to smoke but was able to break that habit, I can drink coffee or not doesn't matter, I don't really have any habits....I find that weird. If I don't put my watch out where I can see it, I won't put it on that day. I don't even have the habit to look at my empty wrist a 100 times on the days I didn't wear it. I look at it once and forget about it. I don't put a necklace on everyday, I just leave it on. Same with earrings. It is really wierd, to me anyway. If you can think of a habit that I may have let me know, it would be helpful. Random Fact # 6............. I have three dogs two of which are Huge ( over 150lbs) all of which stay inside the house and I have been told by many people that I NEVER smell like dog. Huge Huge ....huge. I have a secret...I just don't touch them after I get out of the shower or before I leave the house. Once my clothes are on, I am out the touch the mama...Random Fact #7............. I collect things to put things in, containers, I typically don't put anything in them I just keep them in case I needed to. This is one of those time when I use Random Fact # 4. Random Fact #8................ I usually wait until I get the RED letter to pay my water bill, not really sure why, I pay all other bills on time but I have waited until disconnection day to pay it. It is kind of a control thing, I don't know, again Random Fact # 4....... I am looking forward to reading yours.L.
Cops the t.v. show
As I watch Cops the T.V. show, I am keenly aware that these people are clearly my neighbors or in the very least blood relatives of my neighbors. They proudly sport their mullets and wife beaters, and drive station wagons with artifical side paneling with a rusted mufflers...I am serious when I say I live in the WT GHETTO! I got up this morning and there were people in the dumpster across the street. Looking for God knows what. I came home and the little neighbor girls said " lock your doors somebody broke into our cars last night and stole a bunch of stuff ". The apartment complex across from my house is REALLY bad . It is one of those "ALL BILLS PAID" kind of places. So you can imagine the type of people it has attracted. My big issue is with the parents, they can't afford to pay their bills or utilities but have three or four bad-a** little kids who run up and down the street and by the age of 6 are better cussers than me. Until my doggies have passed away and gone to heaven I have to wait to move to nice place like my friend P. I can however pray that the government finds a way to add birth control to the water system of places like those across from my house . Until then....we are assured of one thing....many more episodes of Cops the tv show, as the next generation is now in training right outside my door. L.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
First Day Jitters...
Today was the first day at the new place. Most people would be like " it is just a new location, it can't be that different." They would be is so nice. This location has so much more class even though it is way smaller. Being smaller , it feels more intimate. I don't feel the stress and coldness from the noisy, ceramic tile hallways. I never even knew I experienced stress over that until today,when it wasn't there. I never thought I could work in a "station" as I have always had a "room" to work in. So far, I like having less "stuff " to worry about. I really like the people at the new salon, they are super sweet. My clients that came in today said that they loved it . That is what matters to me, my sweet clients. First day jitters aside, it was a great first day. L.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
True measures...
Early yesterday morning , my sweet friend (we will call her Andrea) picked me up to spend the day moving my things out of one salon and into another. Sounds pretty simple right? Not at all! We separated the things that I NEED everyday from the things that I could box up and take home, as my new space is substantially smaller, and then again separated that from the things I could trash. She cleaned every item that went into the new salon. Every bottle was wiped with a Clorox wipe and scrubbed till it gleamed. Once the things in the new salon shone like new pennies, we went back to load up the things that would go into my garage. Cabinets and styling chair,big mirrors, equipment ect.. These things are HEAVY and it was just she and I. On one trip back to the house we came into a hotbox. My a/c had gone out. I was freaking out, my doggies were hot, I was hot and tired, storms were coming, and we had alot more to do...this was the last thing I needed today! I cannot tell you how nice it was to have someone not quit on you at this time...not only did she not quit but she was the calm in the storm, literally. She calmly picked up the phone and called Wal-Mart to speak with a manager to negotiate an exchange without a reciept or original packinging. Impossible. I just ran around in a panicy circle like a dog chasing its tail. She actually got a manager to approve the exchange,...she has a golden tongue I swear. Sometime in the middle of all of this craziness, she managed to set me up with online banking!?! A pro at the multi-tasking!! We pulled the a/c unit out if the window, loaded it up and took it back to Wal-Mart . We made the exchange no problem . Brought the new unit back, assembled and installed it. As the house cooled down we went back for the final but heavy load. Standing in my living room with the last heavy cabinet, both hot and sweaty,( I had a heat rash) exausted,I thanked her again...she just tilted her head and smiled at me and said "Honey, that is what family does." My heart was filled. I thought that is the true measure of a friend. At the end of the day we had done more than most do in a week or more. None of which could have been done without my sweet friend, my sister. You are truly an example of the love of Christ! I love you, you amaze me and bless my life. L.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Today was clean out the garage day. I unloaded 10 years of cumbersome,dusty, out of date, junk!I had so much stuff that it made a huge pile at the end of the driveway. My pile grew really big for a little while, I had chairs, end tables , pillows , a salon trolley, perm rods and old set rollers, maniquin heads from when I was in beauty school. I mean these heads had BLUE eyeshadow and jacked up hair styles. Boxes and boxes of country art, folky 1994 teddy bears and rocking horse kinda crap, you remember the counrty blue and mauve , crafty heart cutout woodshelfy kinda stuff. Tons of it, all at the end of my driveway. It was so much stuff I really was beginning to doubt if the trash truck would pick up that much stuff. Then all of sudden I noticed that I had really been bringing the stuff out at a pretty good pace and my pile hadn't really continued to grow. In fact it seemed smaller??? Then I see them. They see me. People. Lurking people. Off to the side, kinda shifty, trash pickin' people!!! A lot of them. Some had cars and some were on bikes. One old dude ( obviously the first man on the scene) was on a little scooter, he had a little dog riding on the floor board of the scooter and he had his own little pile of my former junk stacked up off to the side. As he beamed with pride over his new found treasures and whispered to the other pickers I could tell that these were professional pickers. Then another dude(the spokesperson) took one giant step forward and with his grubby little hand pointed at the shrinking remains of my once glorious pile of crap and said "We just thought if we didn't make a mess that you wouldn't mind us going through....?" I said " of course not". I could barely get out of the way fast enough, my pile of crap was bumrushed!! The old scooter dude gave an "its ok" signal to his wife who was parked around the corner somewhere and she pulls up in a van , jumps out and in a full on sprint attacks my pile. I can't explain what a bizarre feeling it is to watch people fight over your trash . I can however tell you what I was the natural progession of things..."these people are crazy, crazy trash pickin' people," then I thought.." do they really like this stuff? Well, they should it is pretty good stuff" then as the pickin' continued I was like, " I should have had a garage sale and sold some of this good stuff ." Then I started really wishing I had dusted some of it off at least. Then I started feeling guilty and unappreciative of my stuff... I actually found myself helping these people and I was trying to choose who was deserving of certain items. I would hold up an item and tell them about how great it was and how much value it could have in the right hands. I became an auctioneer of free trash...a new low. Can you say was an insane process. One by one as they had either gotten all they wanted or could carry they would disappear until only Spokesperson was left and he told me he was homeless and this is how he made a living. He would gather things and sell them at a flea market for a few bucks. My heart felt for him as he did not get first crack at the stuff . Here comes more crazy....ready....I go back in the house to find even better junk for Spokesperson. He left with a clock,and an Aroma scent diffuser thingy some fake fingernails and other assorted items. It made him smile to ride away with his "finds", and that made me smile. Exausted and completely covered in dirt and dust I went in for a shower. I felt good like had found good homes for my trash. I used to think I was a pretty normal person. No longer. I now see myself in a new light. A light that was hidden in the shadows of a huge pile of crap. L.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
How to comment back on here?
I must repeat my previous entry for those who may have been in someway offended by my blue on black choice of text.....I said...I am not sure on the proper way to comment back on here, do I comment back on their page or right on my own know like when Ericka says something funny( as she usually does) do I say "that is funny" on her page or on the same page as she said the funny thing on???? What is the blogger etiquette? I really don't wanna mess this up Ericka is a genius!!
Friday, July 27, 2007
For Andrea
My new email address is (p.s. I am not sure how to comment back, if I should add to my comment page or send you one so I did it this way.) Love ya. Me.
A scripture for today
Romans 14:7-9 None of us lives to himself, and none of dies to himself but to the Lord for, If we live , we live to the Lord, if we die, we die to the Lord. So then, whether we live or we die, we belong to the Lord. For Christ died and Lived again for this very purpose, that He might be the Lord both of the dead and of the living.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Things are going well...
As of today things are going well.... as well as to be expected anyway. I had to tell two of my older ladies( I only have three) that I was moving and that I would not be able to continue doing their hair.One if them was very sweet and was sad but understood that I needed to move on. I had explained that I wouldn't be doing any shampoo and sets over at the new place. I just don't want to do that anymore... she was so nice and I was able to find her a new stylist, no problem. The other lady ( we will call her Lou or as some of you may know her as Crazy Peanut Lady) was not nice at all.I also could NOT find anyone who wanted to take her as a client. I had to pack my bags for a rather lengthy guilt trip."Yall have forgotten about us old people it is all about what you want to do" "remember you will be old one day" blah blah blah... Seriously,I have toted this woman around for over 8 years, picked her up, did her hair and took her back home,(for $15.00 I charge regular folks who just come in$20.00) took her to the store,set her up a bank account, set her up with direct deposit of her social security checks..Don't get me wrong here I am not looking for a pat on the back or anything really , But dang , I have passed up other opportunities because I had to take care of Lou. This is the crazy part...she is the one with family here ...not me, she has a husband, I don't. She has no job as she is old...but I do. She refuses to use some of the local resources that I have told her about. Free bus service to and from the salon ect... I don't get it.I think she refuses to stand on her own because she didn't have to. I feel for her, but today when I dropped her off for the last time, I really felt relief. A huge relief. Other than that everything is going well, thanks for reading my rantings...I will fill you in about the move. ...L.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Good news!!
I am very excited, I am closing a chapter in my life and embarking on a new one!! I am leaving the salon I have worked at for 7 years and moving to a salon in Highland Village. I am not one to move salons, I have been in this business for 14 years and have only moved once but I have not been happy for a long time and I have really prayed for God to open doors so I could make a change. This move is totally a God thing. I went to my new salon about a year ago and I was too afraid to make a move, it is alot smaller and a little further to drive but not much. I just let me get in His way...I do that alot. So I stayed put, and stayed not happy for another year of my life...until I (after alot of prayer) picked up the phone and gave the owner a call. By the way she is so freakin' sweet...She said she had a spot for me and I could move in right a this coming weekend I am stepping out in Faith, this for me is more like a jump into the unknown, but God opened those doors, I am not about to get in the way again.
Friday, July 20, 2007
My weeds....
Today was another tough day at the shop, a friendship died. I had this"friend" who I have poured into for a long long time. I have been there through thick and thin, literally sickness and health. I always felt this need to walk lightly with her, as she had revealed in the past a very short temper. She admitted that she had a problem but had grown as she got older. The past few weeks she has been getting little digs in here and there about my praying for people, just kind of snide remarks about me in general..."my friend" it seems had an issue. So I began to ask questions trying to figure out want I have done to initiate this. I got nothin'.She would act as if everything was fine. We went out to eat, nothin', hung out, nothin'. I really had chalked it up to maybe she was having a bad day...that was until today... Several of us were sitting outside enjoying the rain cooled air, in between clients. One of the girls had mentioned she liked this mood fingernail polish....chit chat for a minute about that..back and forth..blahblah...I asked if you( no one directly) are in a bad mood will it (the mood polish) turn black. She said you better shut up before you cursed out... I at this time was like, right, for what reason would I get cursed out? And she totally went off on me . Dropping F bombs and my all time (and she knows it) most hated curse word GD. She was in my face on her feet angry...really angry, so I stayed seated and simply kept repeating what are you mad at? What is the problem? I got nothing but a facefull of cuss words..and insults about my faith..and personal insults as well,but nothing about what set her off. I still don't know. I guess what hurts the most is the cussing in my face with no explanation. This was someone who I have ran with for the last few years...someone I see or talk to almost everyday, ate lunch with, I have been to her church and she to mine, birthdays, dinners. I feel really let down. Disappointed. The more I think about it, that friendship is/was very one sided...always her thick my thin ...her sickness my health... I never have had to really lean on her and by her actions not only today but the last few weeks, I think I would have fallen if I had. God has a way of pulling the weeds from your garden. I will continue to pray for her heart if you made it to the end of this would you please pray for both of us to heal from this. Thank L.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Things that make me cuss ( or at least want to)
People who can't, or more often than not, choose not to make a plan!! Just because you leave for vacation tomorrow at 9 am doesn't mean that I can cut and color your hair on Sunday at 3pm. Now that doesn't mean that I don't want to do that for you, it means that I won't. Unless there is an emergency other than you just put it off till the very last second, such as a death in the family or a really important last minute interview for a job or I even take pity on a " oh my goodness he finally asked me out" kinda deal. See I am flexible, I am not a freakin' contortionist. Alot of cussin' takes place when people are inconsiderate of my time. I also take issue with people asking me stupid questions like.." why don't you have kids?" or " don't you want kids?" o.k. I get it people are nosey.. but come on people... nunya.!! When and if The Lord wants me to have kids I will. Leeme alone already. And because I am faced with this everyday now....people (neighbors) who refuse to feed and/or care for their animals really make me cuss. I am right now taking care of ANOTHER of my neighbors dogs. He is sweet but I don't want anymore animals and I have my hands full with what I had, however after exausting all other options, I am this critters only hope. So I do it. Love thy neighbor right? Well what if the neighbor is never home? Does that extend to his animals? I'd like to think so. But still I cuss.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Goodbye sweet Sally....
Today has been a hard day for us at the of us has died. Her name was Sally Jaquess (pronounced jackwess) she was around 57 or so and was a little ball of fire. She was from the hills of Tennessee (same as me so we really connected) and oh my word did she have an accent. She would drag out a syllable (sp?) for days and days. She had red hair (sometimes) but that is how I will remember her,and she was extremely talented...I beleive she worked behind the chair for 30years maybe more. She was one of the hardest working women in this business. It was rare not to see her there, behind the chair,turning them out and making people beautiful. She lived hard in her earlier years and I have heard stories of her crazy thing about Sally is she lived the way she wanted and did as she pleased. That is until she began to live for the King! She knew the Lord and loved Him deeply.I had several conversations with her and anyone could tell by her words that she had experienced His saving Grace. We all will feel the loss of her but I am happy that she did not suffer and that the Lord in His infinate wisdom chose to take her home today. She was a good ol' girl or gaaaal as she would say. Rest your feet honey your day is done...Lisa
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I have a new email address!!
In an effort to reduce or remove alot of junk email and spam I have resorted to an address change... I am excited about it, now I can hopefully keep alot that junk outta there....and I really like it, it is or I am not real sure how smart it is to post that info on my blog but I did it anyway.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
My new tat!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Hello all
Hello to all I have no idea what I am doing but I have a friend who will be able to help me in a few days and we will return with something very interesting to read.. thanx for your patience
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